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About the Podcast

First Time Feelings is a podcast hosted by us, two Melbourne women Ruth McIver and Krystal Maynard – writers, musicians, professional emoters and long time friends. Our podcast explores universal human experiences via personal micro narratives based on first time feelings.

Our ethos is a feeling shared; a feeling validated. Our podcast is a monthly episode, 30 minutes long. We are not attempting reportage, consecutive or serialized storytelling; we are simply telling stories and processing feelings together. Our recipe for compelling listening is these stories and our dynamic, which is funny, fresh and vibrant – even when the feelings are grave.  

Whether it be shame, guilt, longing, anxiety or lust, each anecdote is an honest, witty and relatable vignette that taps into the messy human journey we’re all on. Naming and reclaiming emotion, one feeling at a time.

About Us:

First Time Feelings is produced and hosted by two Melbourne women: Krystal Maynard and Ruth McIver. Audio production and original theme song composed by Christopher Stephenson. The artwork is by Erin Greer. Annaliese Redlich (3RRR FM broadcaster and All Ears Podcast producer) introduces the podcast.

Ruth McIver
A PhD student at Curtin University, writer, reviewer (The Sunday AgeThe Big Issue) with a community radio background. My second novel, I Shot the Devil, won the 2018 Richell Prize. I also make and play music and write poetry.  

Krystal Maynard
A musician, writer, plant enthusiast, animal lover and serious museum fan. My music criticism has been published in Big Issue, Mess and Noise, Beat and Vice Magazine. I can be found playing in bands around town. I’m also a communications professional working in the best sector: arts and culture! I’m fascinated by human behavior and learning about this weird and ever changing world.


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